Warrington Parker
Warrington Parker, the managing partner of Crowell & Moring’s San Francisco office, is an experienced first-chair trial lawyer and former federal prosecutor. He has successfully tried over 20 cases encompassing a diverse range of civil and criminal matters, such as securities fraud, money laundering, employment discrimination, wrongful termination, copyright, trade secret, violation of California bond measures statutes, product liability, product defect, and breach of contract. Warrington is also a member of the firm’s Litigation, White Collar & Regulatory Enforcement, and Investigations groups.
Career & Education
- Department of Justice: United States Attorneys' Office
Central District of California: Criminal Division, 1992–1996
- Department of Justice: United States Attorneys' Office
- Princeton University, A.B., 1986
- Harvard Law School, J.D., 1989
- California
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
- Supreme Court of the United States
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Board of Directors, Legal Aid at Work, 2021
- Board of Directors, Harvard Law School Association of Northern California, 2021
- Member, American Bar Association
- Co–Chair, ABA Criminal Litigation Committee, 2019
- Co–Chair, ABA White Collar Committee's Computer Crime, Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets Subcommittee
- Co–Chair, ABA Litigation Section Appellate Practice Committee Publications Subcommittee, 2004–2008
- Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity
- Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Boalt Hall, Criminal Procedure, 2008–2009
- Board Member, Mural Music & Arts Project, 2017–2018
- Board Member, Urban High School, 2010–2019
- Member, Ninth Circuit Criminal Appellate Panel, 2008–2014
- Lawyer Representative, Central District of California, 2002–2005
- Instructor, U.S. Attorney's Office, Basic Trial Advocacy, 1996
- Staff Member, Kolts Commission, 1992
- Board Member, Marin Country Day School, 2004–2012
- Board Member, East Bay Community Law Center, 2004–2008
Warrington's Insights
Client Alert | 4 min read | 03.04.25
The FTC’s Request for Public Comment on Online Content Moderation – Are You Ready for a Sea Change?
On February 20, 2025, the Federal Trade Commission launched an “inquiry” into “tech censorship” by calling for public comments from those who “may have been harmed by technology platforms that limited their ability to share ideas or affiliations freely and openly.” The deadline for comments is May 21, 2025.
Client Alert | 3 min read | 02.18.25
California’s New AI Bill To Require Copyright Disclosure of Training Data
Press Coverage | 01.15.25
Representative Matters
- Trial counsel in cases alleging that asbestos contamination of a company’s talc products caused mesothelioma and obtained a favorable verdict.
- Co-counsel representing a software company at trial in case brought by OFCCP alleging pay discrimination.
- Obtained defense verdict following trial that resulted in the setting aside of an injunction in a dispute involving the claimed inappropriate expenditure of school bond monies (Alpine Unified School District v. Grossmont Union High School District).
- Obtained verdict favoring client in a criminal case in which the government alleged wire fraud and securities fraud (United States v. Deller).
- Co-tried two cases and obtained defense verdict in connection with allegations of disparate impact age discrimination (Andrews et al. v. Lawrence Livermore Lab).
- Participated in team that litigated allegations brought by Oregon against a software company alleging violations of the False Claims Act, RICO, fraud, and breach of contract (State of Oregon v. Oracle).
- Trial counsel for an individual indicted for money laundering and wire and mail fraud (United States v. Vann).
- With others, successfully represented a toy company in a case involving, among other things, allegations of copyright infringement and trade secret misappropriation relating to dolls (Mattel v. MGA).
- Represent and advise a Fortune 100 company in FCPA investigations in China, Japan, and India.
- Represented government contractor and obtained dismissal of complaint alleging False Claims Act violations.
- Successfully represented solar energy equipment supplier in a case alleging a reverse False Claim Act claim.
- Successfully represented a medical center in matter alleging violations of the False Claims Act.
- Successfully represented entrepreneurs in an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office concerning potential violation of the False Claims Act, specifically against potential claims of a violation of the Anti-Kickback Statute and Stark Law.
- Conducted investigation relating to and counseled client regarding the False Claims Act retaliation provisions.
- Represented government contractor and obtained dismissal of complaint alleging False Claims Act violations.
- Represented officer of a company in a special investigation and follow on derivative action relating to alleged stock option backdating.
- Represented CFO of a company alleged to have engaged in violations of securities laws.
- Represented an ISP in a trade secrets misappropriation and breach of contract action resulting in favorable termination for client.
- Represented a company in a trade secrets misappropriation and breach of contract action resulting in favorable termination for client.
- Drafted appellate briefs for an events company. Without argument, the Ninth Circuit reversed the district court's decision to invalidate a settlement agreement that resolved Nevada officials' claimed infringement of client's First Amendment rights (Black Rock City, LLC v. Pershing County Board of Commissioners (Ninth Circuit)).
- Obtained reversal of order following an election challenge that would have permanently banned the client from participating in elections (Bradley v. Perrodin (Cal. Court of Appeal)).
- Successfully represented the client in an appeal from the denial of an arbitration request and successfully prosecuted a writ petition involving a discovery matter (Nassgil v. Hughes Electronics (Cal. Court of Appeal)).
- Successfully represented the client in an insurance coverage matter (PMI v. AISLIC (Ninth Circuit)).
- Successfully represented the client in an attorneys' fees dispute (Bank of America v. Williams (Cal. Court of Appeal)).
- Obtained the reversal of a multimillion-dollar jury verdict (Tech v. National Semiconductor (Cal. Court of Appeal)).
- Obtained reversal of conviction for securities fraud (U.S. v. Hall (Ninth Circuit)).
- Represented law schools and professors in a First Amendment challenge to the Solomon Amendment (FAIR v. Rumsfeld (U.S. Supreme Court)).
- Represented as amici in a matter involving a constitutional challenge to way in which students could be assigned to schools (Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle Sch. Dist. (U.S. Supreme Court)).
- Represented amici in an appeal involving a constitutional challenge to a city policy prohibiting the use of berthing space by nonprofits that discriminated on the basis of sexual orientation (Evans v. City of Berkeley (Cal. Supreme Court)).
Warrington's Insights
Client Alert | 4 min read | 03.04.25
The FTC’s Request for Public Comment on Online Content Moderation – Are You Ready for a Sea Change?
On February 20, 2025, the Federal Trade Commission launched an “inquiry” into “tech censorship” by calling for public comments from those who “may have been harmed by technology platforms that limited their ability to share ideas or affiliations freely and openly.” The deadline for comments is May 21, 2025.
Client Alert | 3 min read | 02.18.25
California’s New AI Bill To Require Copyright Disclosure of Training Data
Press Coverage | 01.15.25
Cybersecurity Threats Increase Civil And Criminal Liability For Government Contractors
Corporate Compliance Insights
The Intersection of Technology, Litigation, and IP –When the Disruptors Get Disrupted
Crowell & Moring's Litigation Forecast 2022
What the Ebola Crisis Can Teach Us About COVID-19 Compliance
New Strings Attached: LinkedIn Contacts Are Now Trade Secrets?
IP Frontline
The Differing Approaches to Preemption Under the Uniform Trade Secret Act
Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal
How to Realistically Evaluate a Trade Secret Case
AIPLA Annual Conference
Health Care Fraud Enforcement, Defense, and Corporate Compliance - Where are we today? | ABA White Collar Crime 2024
What the DOJ Annual Reports Reveal About Federal Trade Secret and IP Protection Efforts
Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends
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Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends
The Epic Trade Secret Saga Continues – Will the Supreme Court take the case?
Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends
Bunch O’ Balloons Trade Secret Dispute Results in Bunch O’ Appeals
Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends
- Litigation and Trial
- White Collar and Regulatory Enforcement
- Investigations
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Whistleblower Investigations
- Emerging Companies and Venture Capital
- Employment Discrimination Counseling and Litigation
- Pay Equity
- Labor and Employment Investigations
- Financial Services
- Financial Services Regulatory and Enforcement
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cybersecurity and the False Claims Act
Warrington's Insights
Client Alert | 4 min read | 03.04.25
The FTC’s Request for Public Comment on Online Content Moderation – Are You Ready for a Sea Change?
On February 20, 2025, the Federal Trade Commission launched an “inquiry” into “tech censorship” by calling for public comments from those who “may have been harmed by technology platforms that limited their ability to share ideas or affiliations freely and openly.” The deadline for comments is May 21, 2025.
Client Alert | 3 min read | 02.18.25
California’s New AI Bill To Require Copyright Disclosure of Training Data
Press Coverage | 01.15.25