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State Higher Ed Entities Face Arm-of-the-State Test

Client Alert | less than 1 min read | 06.25.12

In US ex rel. Oberg v. Ky. Higher Educ., the Fourth Circuit considered whether corporate entities created by several states to provide higher education financing (and accused of making false claims to DOE) are "persons" subject to FCA liability. The court stated that "the critical inquiry is whether [the entities] are truly subject to sufficient state control to render them a part of the state, and not a 'person,'" and instructed that Eleventh Amendment "arm-of-the-state" analysis applies to determine if they are subject to liability.


Client Alert | 7 min read | 07.18.24

Council of Europe's First Legally Binding International Treaty on AI to Be Signed in September

Amid the continued exponential rise and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, the Council of Europe set a unique precedent earlier this year by adopting the first-of-its-kind legally binding international AI framework. Aimed at ensuring the respect of human rights, the rule of law, and democracy in the use of AI systems, the framework strikes an important balance in addressing the risks throughout the lifecycle of an AI system without hampering innovation....