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California’s Safer Consumer Products Regulation: Are You Ready? Technical and Legal Strategies to Prepare Now!

Event | 03.13.14, 12:00 AM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC

Click here to access a recording of the webinar [WMV file].

California has embarked on an ambitious and complex program, the Safer Consumer Product Regulations -- also known as the California Green Chemistry Initiative -- which targets chemical use in consumer products.  These regulations impact virtually all companies manufacturing, importing, selling or distributing consumer products -- or parts of consumer products -- in California. The priority product list will be released in three weeks -- and any of these businesses may be responsible for responding to Priority Product notifications, including conducting “alternatives assessments” of certain target products that contain candidate chemicals. Very few businesses are prepared to respond. 

How You Will Benefit:

  • Receive guidance on the policy and business implications of the Safer Consumer Products Regulations
  • Learn strategies for developing and executing comprehensive product risk assessments following Priority Product Notifications
  • Hear practical advice on developing data for, and protecting confidential business information in, agency submissions
  • Understand the potential product liability implications of the Safer Consumer Products Regulations, including how complying may interact with Proposition 65 obligations
  • Acquire strategies for communicating to audiences who will have access to publicly posted submissions
  • Become familiar with the evolution of the list of target chemistries and the history of problematic chemistries in product manufacturing
    AND hear immediate feedback on the list of priority products (scheduled to be announced at 9:00 AM PST on March 13)

Join us for a program focused on practical technical and legal strategies. Hear from attorneys from Crowell & Moring’s Advertising and Product Risk Management Group and scientists from Cardno Chemrisk and in private practice. Then learn the impact of the first list of “Priority Products” as we provide an overview of regulatory priorities for the agency and make predictions about the submission, evaluation, and use of alternatives assessments, as well as other potential responses.

For more information, please visit these areas: Litigation and Trial, Product Risk Management, Mass Tort, Product, and Consumer Litigation


Event | 11.18.24

The Eighteenth Annual Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference: A Debate & Discussion

JURIS Conferences is very excited to present this upcoming program, hosted for the first time in New York City at the new office location of Crowell & Moring. This four-panel program will feature leading arbitration practitioners and scholars who will tackle important questions of international investment law and arbitration.