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Changes to the Revolving Door: Trump’s Ethics Executive Order

Client Alert | less than 1 min read | 01.30.17

On January 28, 2017, President Trump issued an executive order setting forth the ethics restrictions for its executive agency appointees. These restrictions, discussed more fully in our blog post, are simultaneously more restrictive and less restrictive than their 2009 Obama counterparts, and appear to be more focused on appointees’ conduct following their exit from Government rather than on their conduct preceding and during their appointments.


Client Alert | 5 min read | 05.16.24

CMS Finalizes Contested Rule on Nursing Home Staffing and Facility Assessments

On May 10, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) published a Final Rule that, for the first time, imposes national minimum nurse staffing requirements for nursing homes. Specifically, the standard adopted by CMS requires minimum staffing of 3.48 hours per resident day (“HPRD”), as discussed in more detail below. CMS estimates that the new requirements will cost facilities $43 billion over the next 10 years, which is more than the $40.6 billion cost that CMS estimated for Proposed Rule of 3.0 HPRD. Some industry sources estimate that less than 25% of nursing facilities across the country currently meet the full scope of staffing standards laid out in CMS’ Final Rule due to a myriad of factors including labor shortages and increasing wage pressures. Indeed, the impact and cost of these staffing requirements will vary significantly by state. For example, CMS reported that at least one state will need to increase certain staff by nearly 96% to meet the minimum standards, while other states already meet the requirements....